I don't know how many of you out there are into flea markets, swap meets, and the like (all being pretty much the same, with some regional quirks about them, I suppose). And then there's yard sales. . .dont' get me started! When I was a kid, my dad and I would rummage stacks upon stacks of vinyl at the flea market back home in Delaware, and it was awesome. Got some really good classic vinyl (and classic memories) out of those weekend trips. Not only that, but I was a huge Hardy Boys fan (I still dream of finishing the complete set, books 1-66
And then, in college, I discovered online swap sites, and that was cool until the better sites went down. Thank my lucky stars, I just found SwitchPlanet.com. SwitchPlanet lets you swap stuff for free. No fees, just postage. And you can trade books, games, CDs, and DVDs.
SwitchPlanet uses a form of currency called switchbucs, which you receive after you send something to another user (or, moneybags, you can buy them without sending stuff). Switchbucs allow you to request things from other members. I still haven't gotten the hang of the whole value of this currency, but so far, it looks promising.
If you sign up, look for me. But I am definitely not giving up my original Hardy Boys books. No way!
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